My Sports Therapy Treatments include Deep Tissue / Sports Massage. This is an individually tailored form of soft tissue massage that uses specific techniques to treat the stress, tension and fatigue that occur through occupational, recreational or sporting activities.
This is an interactive session, where sports massage therapist and client work together, rather than the more restful Swedish massage. The two types of treatment can be combined however to:
Massage is used by athletes before and after training and competition and during rehabilitation. However, many people appreciate the deep treatment offered by a sports massage therapist as they can really feel those knots in muscles being ironed out. From the DIY fanatic, busy housewife, gardener or stressed office worker, anyone can benefit.
General massage techniques will help you relax or tone up, but, when necessary, they can also combined with more intense trigger point therapies. These can include Neuromuscular Technique (NMT), Soft Tissue Release (STR) and Muscle Energy Technique (MET) used for stretching. Other Sports Therapy Treatments like Cross-Friction can break down fibrous adhesions which can free up muscles to help you regain flexibility and move more freely.
After a deep tissue massage you should feel more flexible and limber.
You may also feel a bit tired or have some post-treatment soreness but this will normally disappear after a day. Don’t worry about this as it is usually a sign that the treatment is having a positive effect and you should feel energised, while retaining the increased mobility for some time afterward.
With a regular course of deep tissue/sports massage you should feel more flexible and less prone to injury in your active life.