Optimal strength in the core abdominal muscles is essential for a pain
free back and good posture. Strength of the muscles supporting the
lower back is also crucial in preventing and managing back pain. That is
why so many exercises not only include the abdominals, but also the
legs, glutes (buttocks) and hip muscles. …. read more … in Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 1. You should also consider Sports Massage as a complimentary therapy.
This exercise programme has specific exercises to strengthen muscles around your lower back and core. It is important to ensure the exercises are performed with good technique. Poor practice may place potential strain on your back. The following leaflet includes some exercises to help in your rehabilitation.… read more …. in Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 2
Your therapist will advise you on the speed you should progress. Progression is not just about being able to do the exercise but to do it correctly, with appropriate control. If at any time, you feel pain or discomfort stop the exercises and consult your …read more … in Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 3
The information contained in these articles is intended as general guidance and information only and should not be relied upon as a basis for planning individual medical care or as a substitute for specialist medical advice in each individual case. …. read Phase 4 info… in Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 4