Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling)
Microcurrent Electrical Therapy
Deep Oscillation Electrostatic Field Therapy
Effleurage, Petrissage, Tapotement and Frictions
Superficial and deep massage techniques
Myofascial Release
Cranial Electrotherpy Stimulation
Soft Tissue Release & Mobilisation
Muscle Energy Techniques
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Passive Stretch and Friction
Trigger Point Therapy
Neuromuscular and Positional Release
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Thermal Therapy (Heat / Ice)
Kinesiology Taping
Strapping for sprains and strains
Peripheral Joint Mobilisations
Active and Passive Stretching
Offering Assessment, Various Treatment Methods and Aftercare Advice for:-
My main objective is to alleviate your pain and discomfort by using a wide range of treatment methods, not just massage. A large percentage of my clients are not from a sporting background, and visit me for treatment of conditions ranging from migraines, back ache, sciatica, knee pain and achilles tendonitis. I use a variety of treatment methods which might include Deep Oscillation, Microcurrent, medical Acupuncture, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Electrotherapy, Thermal Therapy as well as Massage and Stretching. Give me a call to discuss your muscle dysfunction, joint stiffness or nerve pain and see how I can help you on the road to recovery.