Pre-Payment Discounts

Pre-Payment Discounts


Keeping on top of muscle dysfunction through regular massage and sports therapy treatments can help athletes stay in top form through uninterrupted training sessions and pre-planned competitions, and also help workers keep earning rather than taking time off through pain. Take advantage of our Pre-Payment Discounts and keep your team in great shape!


Muscle adhesions and fascial tightness can often lead to shortened muscles, joint restrictions and a reduction in range of movement. This can lead to muscle strains, ligament sprains, bursitis and tendonitis; the consequences of which can be absence from work, reduced performance or the inability to train or compete.


Injury can be depressing for both workers and athletes alike. Working and training through muscle strains can take its toll on the body, both physically and mentally. Healthy muscle tissue allows the individual to train harder, work more efficiently and perform at their optimum level.


Individuals, Clubs, Groups and Businesses can all take advantage of sports therapy treatments at reduced rates by setting up a Club & Corporate Pre-Payment Discounts account and pre-paying for a block of treatments. Alternatively, individuals or athletes can book in for a one-off treatment, due to pain, injury or after a sporting event.

AHST Whitefield

Standard Treatment Charges

  • First session / consultation & treatment £50
  • Follow-up session £45

Pre-Payment Discounts Package

Ensure that you or your athletes / players / staff are kept in the best physical shape by arranging for them to receive regular maintenance massage and sports therapy treatments


£5 off per session when 4 sessions pre-paid in advance  = £160 for 4 sessions (rather than £180 if bought individually). Save £20


£7 off per session when 6 sessions pre-paid in advance = £228 for 6 sessions (rather than £270 if bought individually). Save £42


£10 off per session when 10 sessions pre-paid in advance. £350 for 10 sessions (rather than £450 if bought individually). Save £100



(Valid for 12 months and includes appointments for both initial consultations and follow up sessions. Treatments can be assigned to multiple clients, e.g 5 people each using 2, 3 or 4 treatments within a bundle.)


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