Shoulder Stretches

Shoulder Stretches for breaking down adhesions in the Coracobrachialis with fixed arm Elbow Rotations 


If you have trouble getting the palm of your hand behind your back then your tendons are probably tight at the front of your shoulder. Try this exercise with your palm flat against the wall at shoulder height and rotate your elbow 40 to 60 times. The movement will break down fascial restrictions in the bicep tendons, coracobrachialis tendon and pectoralis minor attachments at the coracoid process. met will also loosen up the tricep tendon attachment at the lateral edge of the scapula. If you want to improve your thoracic extension and increase flexibility on extension of the shoulder with internal rotation then incorporate this into your stretching routine. View the other shoulder stretches on the website for an all-over upper body loosen-up.

Levator Scapula stretch with a fixed shoulder


If you suffer with pain from your shoulder blade to the back of your neck it may be that your levator scapula muscle is tight. Fixing the shoulder blade by holding on to the underside of a chair can help you get a deeper stretch into the levator scapula. Take your head into forward flexion, and tilt your chin slightly towards the shoulder of the side you are stretching. Applying very gentle pressure with your free hand to the top of the head will deepen the stretch a little bit further. Combine this with other shoulder stretches to reduce tension and pain in the joint.

Latisimus Dorsi Self Massage Pin and Stretch Trigger Point Therapy Massage


Pins and Needles in your hand, fingertips and forearm may be coming from tension in your Latisimus Dorsi at the posterior part of your armpit.

Using some easy self-trigger point techniques you can work on releasing muscle tension and give the nerves passing through the area more room.

Tension between the Latisimus Dorsi and other rotator cuff muscles can limit the space for the radial, ulnar and median nerves as they travel through the upper arm to the hand and fingers.

Use your opposite thumb and forefingers to grip the flesh under your armpit and feel for sections that are hard and tight. Gently squeeze the mass until you reach a seven out of ten level of discomfort. Wait for the pain level to drop to four out of ten and then move on to a new section. Repeat for 2 to 3 minutes and a few times a day until your symptoms start to subside.

You can also grip the muscle adhesion and then elevate your shoulder to floss the fibres through your grip.

This will help to break down fascial adhesions, increase bloodflow, reduce muscle tension an allow more space for the nerves to pass through your armpit into your forearm, hand and fingers.

It may take a few weeks to see the benefits, so try to do a little bit each day.



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