Hip Replacement Preparation and Rehabilitation

Hip Replacement Preparation and Rehabilitation

There are a number of things you can
do to help prepare for surgery and
plan ahead for your homecoming. The
better prepared you are the less anxious
you will be. It has been shown that patients
who have a good knowledge and
understanding of their surgical procedure
and what to expect afterwards, respond
better to treatment and rehabilitation.
Patients are often scheduled for
pre-surgery tests, like x-rays, blood
and urine samples to check your
general health status, and to rule out the
possibility of an underlying infection. Make
sure your doctor knows about any preexisting conditions and the use of long-term

Hip Replacement Rehabilitation Phase 1

There are a number of things you can do to help prepare for surgery and plan ahead for your homecoming. The better prepared you are the less anxious you will be. It has been shown that patients who have a good knowledge and understanding of their surgical procedure
and what to expect afterwards, respond better to treatment and rehabilitation.

Hip Replacement Rehabilitation Phase 2

This programme has specific exercises for hip replacement
rehabilitation. Remember the key is to strengthen your entire lower
leg and improve mobility in your hip. It is important to ensure the
exercises are performed with good technique and good postural
control. Make sure you are pain-free and take care not to progress
too quickly. Remember everyone is different, so your therapist may
give guidance that is more specific to you. Once you are coping with
these exercises your therapist may change, add or replace some to
progress you to being more functional and independent.

Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 3

Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 3

Your therapist will advise you on the speed you should progress. Progression is not just about being able to do the exercise but to do it correctly, with appropriate control. If at any time, you feel pain or discomfort stop the exercises and consult your  …read more … in Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 3

Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 4

Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 4

The information contained in these articles is intended as general guidance and information only and should not be relied upon as a basis for planning individual medical care or as a substitute for specialist medical advice in each individual case. ©Co-Kinetic 2017 & Achilles Healers Sports Therapy …. read Phase 4 info… in Exercises for Low Back Pain Phase 4


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